ElliTe are dancing on air

Sep 28th, 2022

ElliTe Studio dancers

The DWC (often referred to as the Olympics of dance) attracts over 120,000 children (aged between 4 and 25) from across 37 countries who are hoping to qualify to make their country’s team. These children are whittled down to just 5,000 who actually get to compete at the DWC World Finals. We couldn’t have been happier when we found out that ElliTe Studios’ dancers were going to represent England.

Caval have been proudly sponsoring ElliTe Sudios, one of Yorkshire’s finest teaching colleges for young artists keen to pursue a career in dance and musical theatre.

“We have always been blown-away by the quality of ElliTe’s performances and their dedication to training, and feel proud to be able to sponsor a team who are the cultural leaders of the future.”

Jane Wardell, Associate Finance Director, Caval Ltd.

ElliTe Studios achieved a fantastic result, winning 2 gold, 2 silver and 5 bronze medals between them, as well as placing 4th, 5th and 6th in numerous categories. Go team!

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